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Supported chips

We support 2 boards “M5 ATOM S3 LCD” and “ESP32 DevKit1 version”. An even older version of ESP8266 is still fully and finely working, but as it has no bluetooth it do not support the eHydrometers and hence is no longer developed.


The main chip we propose and mainly support is the M5 ATOM S3 LCD, as it has inbuild gyroscope and hence can detect the vibration of the airlock directly. It is a very nice small device with LCD and connector port for adding other sensors (temperature and pressure sensors).

Using ESP 32 DevKit 1

You can also use a ESP 32 DevKit1  (is sold under various names) and either solder a MPU6050 on it or use a digtal sensor (see below). The pinout of the pins should follow the below picture and the chip should say ESP-WROOM-32.

It will ofcouse not have any LCD screen and require you to solder a bit, but it is an option if you have some lying around or like the DIY entrepreneurs approach.

The diagram for soldering or attaching the various sensors is as follows.

First, you need to install CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers ( so you PC can find and see the ESP32.

If you use this ESP32 DevKit1 you should still follow the “install/setup” instruction, and remember to press “boot” under the install.

Using a sound sensor for ESP32 DevKit1 ?

iBLOPPER MATE in the ESP32 version also support the use of 3-pin horizontal LM393 Sound sensor.

Building the sound sensor is easy, and you just need to add a bit of tape to steady the microphone. Secondly, add a balloon as moisture protection. If you wish to make it very durable you can add some heat-warping for cables (14-16mm radious). I have also added some tin foil to remove any interference, but not sure this really needed.

The LM393 sensor fits nicely in a S-airlock, and should be pressed whole way down. It should still allowe the pressure to get out, but else make a somehow tight “seal”.

The sensitivity of the sound sensor can be adjusted by the small potentiometer on the sensor. In general turn the potentiometer all the way down till LED light fully, and then just turn it down until light stop + a little nudge more.

In iBLOPPER CLOUD you can select the use of the inferred/sound sensor by adding “1000” as sensitivity.

Old “ESP 8266 version” ?

The former Wemos D1 Mini and NodeMCU versions is still supported, but now has it home at: